Weekly Newsletter


6-19 to 06-25


Qt. $8.50 / Pt. $5.23 + Tax

Chickerina +*Minestrone


Large $13.23 / Small $8.50 + Tax


Ham ,Roast Pork ,Swiss Mustard Pickles

“Philly Chicken Cheese Steak”

Peppers ,Onions, Mushrooms & Wiz

“Zucchini Caprese ”

Grilled Zucchini fresh Mozzarella Tomato Basil

“Dinner Special” 18.88 each + TAX

Monday – Key West Chicken/ Rice

             *Tuesday – Grilled Beef Tres Major /Peas)

*Wednesday  Veal Roast with Carrots & Potatoes

          Thursday – Pan Fried Pork Chops /Spaghetti/Broc.

610-588-6991 portipasto@ptd.net





Growing Up in the Butcher Shop:  Father’s Day / Giorno dei Padri


Ciao Amici,


Father’s Day was always very special to me. I was lucky to be able to have my father and grandfather together for their special day. When I was young, I wanted to be just like them! I looked up to them with admiration (ha ammirato). One trait they passed on to me was there passion for food, cooking and eating. I have been catering for thirty years and it seems to me less people enjoy eating. Some will comment, “I don’t eat this, I can’t have that or I am dieting”.  Oh, come on, just sit down and enjoy the food. Have food in moderation

Our Sunday dinner like 99 .9% of the families in Roseto started with an antipasto, followed by some homemade macaroni made by my mom & grand mom to show us how much love and pride they had for their family. Next, we had the gravy meat (meatballs, sausage, braciole, and the lamb shank, pieces of pork, beef, and veal.)  “Pass the bread”, was heard chanting from the table. Then we’d have a refreshing insalata (salad), no fancy  dressing, just pure extra virgin olive oil and tart homemade red wine vinegar and  salt and pepper; that was it. “Let’s relax a little on the pouch and talk, “Grandpop would say. There was no TV and no computer; just stories, jokes and laughter. “Ok,” the table’s cleared,” Mom, Grand mom and Aunt Theresa would call out. We walked to the dining room table to see the bowl of fruit; some of which was sliced and placed in the wine glasses for an Italian Sangria and there were the nuts to crack.  More stories and laughter continued as we enjoyed the espresso and desserts. Some token presents were given; not bought online but made by my brothers and me at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School. In our classrooms we were taught by the sisters as they emphasized respect for our fathers and grandfathers because they worked hard for us.


It has been fifty years since my Grandfather passed away but there are not many days’s that I do not think of him.  It feels sometimes he is looking over my shoulder and I can hear him as I am cooking; “ Easy on the salt you can always add it, check the oven you can always cook it longer but once it is over done there is not much you can do.”  I used to wonder why this person didn’t call me for work or an organization that I am a member didn’t call me and Grandpop would say, “ Josie you can’t get all the jobs, people have to try others, this way they appreciate the quality you give. Remember, sometimes the Paese (town) is not for the Paesano (Townsperson)


Thank you everyone for telling me how much you are enjoying these stories and that you look forward to them. It pleases me very much. Grazie!



Best Regards / Con cordiali saluti



  1. DeFranco and Daughters Catering & Deli

E-mail: portipasto@ptd.net


To Our Valued Customers Updated Store Hours

  Kitchen Closes 30minutes before Store closes

                                         Store hours


 Monday  06/19     7 to 7


Tuesday 06/20         7 to 7


Wednesday 06/21   7 to 7


Thursday 06/22   7 to 7


Friday 06/23           7 to 6


Saturday 06/24        7 to 6


Sunday 06/ 25       7 to 3


Always best to call 610-588-6991

Ahead To Place an order


Thank you, Joe & Joelene


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